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What is Polly?

We’ve all experienced this at one point or another: You’ve written perfect, flawless code, and yet, when used in the wild, it doesn’t work. How could that be? What did you do wrong? Usually, the answer is “nothing.” Some things are just out of your control. Sometimes the network is unreliable, the database is slow or someone else’s code fails. These errors are frustrating, and not easy to resolve. How can you retry a request to a remote service that is unreliable? What if you need to re-authenticate before retrying? You’ve probably seen homemade solutions like loops, try catches and if-else, but I’m here to show you there’s a better way. Polly is a resilience framework for .NET available as a .NET Standard Library so it can run on your web services, desktop apps, mobile apps and inside your containers—anywhere .NET can run. In the past two years, Polly has been downloaded over 100 million times , and it’s easy to see why. With only a few lines of code, Polly can retry fail

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